The Boscaccio Gallery has been completed


On the 4th of December, during the religious celebrations for Santa Barbara, the excavation works of the new Galleria Boscaccio were completed with the demolition of the diaphragm.

The demolition of the diaphragm occurred following the holy mass held in the gallery, which was attended by all workers, representatives of local authorities and managers of the Pavimental and Autostrade per l'Italia companies.

The Boscaccio Gallery is part of the project to upgrade the Barberino di Mugello - Florence section of the A1 Milan - Naples motorway.

The tunnel, with a length of 1,992.30 meters between km 12 + 894 and km 14 + 886.30, has been realized by Pavimental also with the use of the new pre-assembled / tubular steel arches to build tunnels that have guaranteed maximum safety at work.