Security Event – Genoa, July 27 2021


In Genoa yesterday, Pavimental celebrated a vital step on the path towards “Zero accidents” in its worksites: in the first half of 2021, the frequency of injuries in Italy reduced by 39% compared to the same period in 2020.

During the event, Pavimental restated its commitment towards the active spreading of a culture of safety at work based on thoughts and actions with the primary goal of “zero accidents”.

In his speech to the staff, Mr. Cullaciati, General Manager of the company, thanked all of the workers and employees who have worked and continue to work rigorously and constantly applying all of the safety measures that are vital in terms of ensuring that all activities, including the most dangerous, are carried out without accidents.

Sergio Spinelli, HR and HSE Director, presented the “guardian angels” of Pavimental: the “Addetti al Controllo Operativo di Sicurezza”, new figures who safeguard the workers in all of the departments, as they are dedicated to ensuring that everyone respects the safety measures.

He also illustrated the Pavimental initiatives in the context of the Autostrade per l’Italia Group projects, which concern the training of dedicated staff and the creation of structured period for sharing and reflecting on experiences. 

To valorise the goals achieved and with the additional purpose of keeping focus on the topic, Italo Menegola, the Technical Director of the North-West Area, told those in attendance of the excellent results achieved on the Terzo Valico dei Giovi worksite and rewarded the resources who distinguished themselves through their conduct and actions, based on the utmost rigour in respecting the laws and safety protocols.